2013, Number 1
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Enf Neurol (Mex) 2013; 12 (1)
Music therapy: an alternative of treatment for the anxiety of the personnel of psychiatric infirmary
Serna-Oviedo G, Cheverría RS
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 18-26
PDF size: 212.62 Kb.
The anxiety is a very frequent psychiatric pathology in Mexico; affects health personnel that toils in areas of special cares, like the infirmary psychiatry, by the frequent contact with patients whose pathologies have behavioral manifestations. It is generally dealt with psico-drugs and psycotherapies, but alternative therapies with proven effectiveness like the music therapy exist, although little known in the scope of the conventional medicine.
Objective: To determine the effect of the music therapy in levels of anxiety of the personnel of infirmary of a psychiatric clinic of the city of San Luis Potosí.
Methodology: Analytical, pre-experimental study; the population was of 9 nurses selected by convenience, the measuring instrument was the Scale auto-aplicate for the evaluation of the anxiety of Zung and Analogous Visual Scale of Anxiety, the therapeutic plan was the application of the Bonny method in 6 sessions, before was moderate the anxiety, during and after the therapy.
Results: It predominated the female (77,8%); the age average was of 38 years, standard deviation 2,9; in previous measurement 66,7% described in normal rank of anxiety, 22,2% moderate and 11,1% marked; subsequent to the therapy, 100% described in normal anxiety; the initial average was 40.5 points (DE = 11.8) and end 28.1 and (DE = 7.7), to the analysis of differences was obtained: t
7 = 3.58 and p = 0.004.
Conclusions: The difference in anxiety points subsequent to the therapy with music was statistically significant, reason why it represents an alternative in the treatment of anxiety in infirmary personnel that takes care of patients psychiatric.
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