2013, Number 1
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Enf Neurol (Mex) 2013; 12 (1)
Educational intervention to relatives about physical contention in neurological patients, neurosurgical and neuropsychiatric
Pablo VR, Nava GMG, García NM
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 10-17
PDF size: 224.05 Kb.
Introduction: The physical contention it is the last therapeutic resource to guarantee patient safety. The neurological patient usually presents psychomotor agitation episodes, neuronal deterioration, delirium caused by drugs, anesthesia or surgical trauma, as well as acute episodes of schizophrenia, psychosis or other psychiatric diseases. The patient safety is at risk, because can retire its probes, induce self-harm, to have falls and other situations, so it is necessary to apply the physical contention for his safety. The interaction with the relatives it is very important, if the relatives are properly informed, because they can notify to the nurse the risks about the physical contention in the patient.
Objective: Evaluate the knowledge about physical contention in the relatives of patients neurological and neurosurgical and neuropsychiatric a through the educational intervention from the nursing professional.
Methodology: It is a quantitative study, analytic, exploratory, prospective and transversal; was a convenience sample and was used
an instrument with 20 dichotomous questions.
Results: Were collected 40 questionnaires. The age fluctuates between 18 and 82 years; there were more frequently of female gender; more visitors in the Neurology Service; the patients received visit for their sons and daughters with major frequency and prevailed the secondary education between the visitors; 67.5% of the people were informed about the physical contention, but only 17.5% received information from nursing professionals. In the 50% of people monitors to the patient for do not pulls its probes and catheters; 47% they elevate the guard rails when retire; 52.5% asking for help to nurse.
Conclusions: Is necessary to implement educational intervention strategies according to educational level of the user, without distinction of gender, allowing training family to ensure patient safety and decrease the frequency of adverse events.
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