2008, Number 3
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Rev Mex Angiol 2008; 36 (3)
Estado actual del tratamiento endovascular de la aorta torácica
Morales GLG, Rodríguez TJM, Rodríguez RN, Escotto SI, Marquina RME, Espinosa APA
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 98-109
PDF size: 441.67 Kb.
The thoracic aortic pathology is always a difficult sector for every vascular surgeon because its high
complexity and the few options for treatment. The operative mortality for open procedures in specialized
centers has been reported between 8 to 20% and 60% for emergency surgery. The postoperative
mobility has been report up to 50% in relation to renal or intestinal failure, as well as medular ischemia.
Since the first case of endovascular treatment in the thoracic sector in 1994 by Dake, et al. the
disponibility of new devices and the training of medical staff is nowadays a priority. The advantages
of the endovascular procedures in comparison to de open ones, are a short surgical time, lower dosage
of anesthetics, no aortic clamping and avoiding the use of cardiopulmonar bypass, as well as no
use of thoracoabdominal incisions, less postoperative pain and faster recovery. This article reviews
the indications, surgical techniques, and complication of the endovascular aortic thoracic procedures
based on the international publications and the experience acquired in our hospital.
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