2008, Number 1
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Rev Mex Angiol 2008; 36 (1)
Utilidad del tratamiento coadyuvante con glicofosfopeptical (GPP) como inmunomodulador en lesiones de los pies de pacientes diabéticos
Ruiz MH, Serrano LJA, Revilla CH, Meza VMA, González HJA, Parra PR, Hernández LD, Sarmiento HAP, Albor OL, Peralta AUA
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 7-13
PDF size: 257.41 Kb.
Objective: To dete1mine the effect of GPP in the treatment of patients with diabetic foot.
Backgrortnd: According to the Ministry of Health in 1993, diabetes was found in the third place as
one of the main causes of death in Mexico, with a prevalence of 10.7% according to the Diabetes Mexican Federation.
Diabetic foot ulcers are a complication that contributes to the formation of serious
infections and increases the risk of amputation. There is evidence that shows the presence of an immune
dysfunction associated with diabetes. Glycophosphopeptical is a drug extracted from
utilis; its activity favors the immune response. lt has also been shown that it stimulates phagocytosis
and favors the clinical evolution in several groups of patients, generating an improvement in the clinical
evolution of patients with immune system damage and providing greater resistance to infection.
Metods: An open, longitudinal, prospective, multi center trial was carried out. Thirty five patients
with diabetic foot grade I V in the Wagner classification who received GPP 1 g every 8 hours for 6
weeks were studied.
Results: lt has found an improvement in the immune parameters of patients, including increased
phagocyte activity, and cytocide capacity depending on the generation of oxygen radicals.
Conclusions: The use of glycophosphopeptical substantially improves the immunologic parameters
of diabetic patients with lower limb lesions; improving the patient's immune response to reduce the
incidence of infections and improving the scaring process.
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