2012, Number 4
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Vet Mex 2012; 43 (4)
Microbiological quality of beef sold in the municipal market of Culiacan, Sinaloa
Jiménez EM, Chaidez QC, León FJ
Language: English/Spanish
References: 34
Page: 273-284
PDF size: 433.18 Kb.
The microbiological quality of raw meat was evaluated in 18 retail units of the municipal market in Culiacan, Sinaloa.
The levels of
E. coli were measured using methods from the Bacteriological Analytical Manual, and the O157 serogroup
and the H7 antigen were also evaluated using chromogenic media and PCR, respectively. The results were
confirmed using real time-PCR (PCR-TR) and PCR to detect virulence genes (vt1, vt2, eaeA and hlyA). Of the samples
tested, 31.5% were positive for
E. coli, with concentrations between 100 and 700 CFU/g of beef. Nine suspected
E. coli O157:H7 strains were isolated from 16 samples, which were then discarded by the PCR-TR test. The
virulence genes were not detected. The microbial contamination of beef could indicate the presence of pathogens
from fecal sources. To guarantee the quality of these products, it is important to incorporate food safety programs.
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