2011, Number 3
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Rev Hosp Jua Mex 2011; 78 (3)
Prevalencia de las complicaciones de la pancreatitis aguda grave que ameritan tratamiento quirúrgico de urgencia en el Hospital Juárez de México
Rebollar GRC, Hernández RG, Torres LE, García ÁJ, Miranda FP
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 140-145
PDF size: 203.91 Kb.
Acute Pancreatitis (AP) is one of main diagnosis on admission to emergency room in HJM. Biliary and alcoholic are the most
common etiology. It is classified as mild or severe according on APACHE and Ranson score equal or greater to 8 and 3 respectively.
The initial treatment is conservative with supportive measures without surgical treatment in first instance, even in severe disease.
However, a small number of cases with severe acute pancreatitis need surgical treatment within the first 48 hours of admission
to the unit. The clinical picture with this type of emergency treatment are: a) Clinical impairment despite all supportive measures
in the first 48 hrs into the intensive care unit; b) Documented fulminant septic necrotic pancreatitis; c) Severe abdominal hypertension
or abdominal compartment syndrome, and/or d) Specific organic or local complications diagnosed. In this series of cases, we
show examples of surgical treatment justified and implemented promptly that decreased morbidity and mortality of this disease
and its complications. Mortality per se on literature is reported up to 90%.
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