2010, Number 2
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Rev Hosp Jua Mex 2010; 77 (2)
Consenso de intervención psicológica: Criterios de atención en la Clínica de Obesidad y Trastornos Metabólicos
Alfaro FT, Torres LE, Olivares BLE, Pérez CE, Villaseñor RJ, Vera PVE, Enciso GD, Reséndiz RA, Álvarez CR, Portilla FVH
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 106-111
PDF size: 138.49 Kb.
Obesity is one of the most dangerous diseases in our century. Considerate like a silent disease, obesity is in the top ranks of
death due their comorbidities. In Mexico there are few institutions that can give an integral treatment for the obesity and
when they do, face several problems for get credibility. One of these problems is the care to the mental health in these
patients, because in the country there aren´t official documents for evaluate procedures and results obtained with the
psychological intervention. One way to standardize procedures and improve outcomes is achieve a multidisciplinary
consensus, where they can easily evaluate the results, with clear principles and with universal language. For this reason,
Clínica de Obesidad y Trastornos Metabolicos in the Hospital Juárez de México presents his first consensus document for
the psychological intervention in the patient with obesity.
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