2013, Number 2
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Rev Mex Anest 2013; 36 (2)
Adverse reactions to the administration of opioids in hospitalized patients
Martínez-Guadarrama E, Guevara-López U, Serratos-Vázquez MC, Mejía-Espinosa R, Roa-Aguirre L
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 98-104
PDF size: 102.28 Kb.
Opioids can cause various side effects so lets meet timely prevention and treatment.
Objective: Identify adverse reactions in patients treated with opioids at the Interdisciplinary Center for the Study and Treatment of Pain and Palliative Care.
Material and methods: A descriptive, retrospective and longitudinal study analyzed the medical records of hospitalized patients were demographic variables, algological diagnosis, pain intensity, analgesics employed and presence of adverse effects: constipation, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, depression, anorexia, urinary retention, dysuria, headache and neuropsychological disturbances. The results are recorded in electronic database and descriptive statistics was applied.
Results: A total of 189 cases, 146 patients had nociceptive somatic pain syndrome, nine neuropathic pain syndrome, 34 combined pain syndrome. It was observed that constipation was the most obvious effect, followed by nausea, dizziness, blurred vision, depression and anorexia. In smaller proportion had cardiovascular symptoms such as palpitations, tachycardia, hypotension and neuropsychological alterations.
Conclusions: The results are consistent with reports on the frequency of digestive symptoms, in this study highlights the increased prevalence of depressive symptoms not described by other authors.
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