2013, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2013; 16 (1)
Meaning that the adolecent gives to the relationship with his parents, when they both work
Banguera GS, Pulgarin AI y Solís RE
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 219-240
PDF size: 166.75 Kb.
The purpose of this article is to tackle the meanings that the
adolescent attributes to the relationship with his parents when
both working. Traditionally the families have worked with
specific roles for each member, in this way, the father is the
provider and the mother is the caregiver. Actually, the families
are living a slow metamorphosis, parallel with the paradigms of
the society. Facing this transformation of the society, the
adolescent attributes meanings according to his own
experiences and relationships in which also resonates his
parents’ lives. For this reason the family is essential in the
effects that create in each one of its members. The important
change that the families are crossing is the raid of the woman in
the working environment; it has generated countless effects not
only in the couples but in the relationships between parents and
children too. This situation produces new parent forms, then the
woman takes a place more active and productive inside and
outside of the home, and at the same time the father is included
in the affective area, without leaving his provisioning functions.
however all this is a challenge not only for the parents but for
the children's too, because they should face this changes not
only being a part of these but giving sense and signification that
contributes to the formation of their identity and personality in a
"sane" way.
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