2013, Number 1
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Rev Biomed 2013; 24 (1)
Reevaluation of the larval índices for Aedes aegypti (Díptera: Culicídae) in two localities with an epidemiological history of dengue
Calderón-Arguedas Ó, Avendaño A, Mora-Pineda G, Troyo A
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 3-11
PDF size: 641.30 Kb.
Introduction. In Costa Rica, dengue is the most important vector-borne disease. It affects urban ecosystems such as La Carpio and La Gran Puntarenas where
Aedes aegypti is highly prevalent.
Objective. To reevaluate larval infestation by
Ae. aegypti and other mosquitoes in La Carpio and La Gran Puntarenas during the wet season of 2010, determining the changing profiles in the second decade of the XXI century.
Materials and Methods. 24 and 51 cells of 50 x 50 m were selected in La Carpio and La Gran Puntarenas, respectively. Breeding sites for mosquitoes were identified and characterized, and traditional Aedic indices were calculated. Results were compared with those of previous studies in the same localities.
Results. In La Carpio, 86 of 695 (13.4 %) containers were positive for mosquito larvae of the species
Ae. aegyptiz, Culex quinquefasciatus, Limatus durhamii and
Wyeomyia sp. Jaccard's similarity coefficient (J) with respect to a previous characterization (2003-2004) was 37.5%.
Ae. aegypti was the most frequent species in La Carpio, and the corresponding indices were: Premises index (PI) at 17.8%, Container Index (CI) at 11.5%, and Breteau Index (IB) at 25.0%. In La Gran Puntarenas, 98 of 407 (24.0%) containers were positive for mosquito larvae of
Ae. aegypti, Cx. quinquefasciatus, Cx. interrogator, Culex sp.,
Li. durhamii, Ochlerotatus sp.,
Deinocerites pseudes, and
Psorophora confinnis. The similarity of the community of mosquitoes when compared to previous data (2006) was 38.5%. The aedic indices in La Gran Puntarenas were: IL at 25.8%, IC at 21.9%, and IB at 44.9%.
Conclusions. In spite of
Ae. aegypti ecosystemic characterization efforts and the repeated dengue prevention and control campaigns, the infestation indices remain high in the localities studied, which demonstrates a sustained risk for dengue epidemics.
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