2013, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2013; 27 (1)
Family involvement in the universalization of higher education
Solernou MIA
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 54-63
PDF size: 155.24 Kb.
The relationship between the family and the school at the university level needs to be addressed in order to face the criteria that the family does not participate in the university education. This judgment has never been subjected to scientific scrutiny to demonstrate its validity, hence the objective of this paper was to substantiate the role of the family in the academic performance of the student in the municipal university centers. Based on the characterization of groups of first-year students in three health careers in municipal centers, the percentage analysis of the variables called family functioning, study methods, academic performance and family perception were made. The study collected data and presented them in graphs and tables. The conclusions confirmed the need for the family to influence on the academic performance of the university students and that the university must explicitly continue the strengthening of the relationship between school and home in the higher education centers. This aspect has never been dealt with before and it will be an additional supporting factor to the work of tutors at this educational level in municipality centers and will contribute to the development of future health professionals.
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