2012, Number 6
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2012; 50 (6)
The professional differentiation in medical practice. A theoretical model of the process of changing
Zerón-Gutiérrez LE, Lifshitz A, Ramiro HM, Abreu-Hernández LF, Reyes-Lagunes I
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 645-650
PDF size: 46.21 Kb.
The structure of the change process on medical professionalization
has not being studied enough. The physicians make
aware the necessity of changing their medical practice that
also affect their personal life. A change need to plan, evaluate
possibilities and resources with efficacy and outlining competencies.
The aim is to contribute in the design of educational
strategies that promotes the professional change, understanding
it, as an evolution; we describe a theoretical-schematic
model based on five consecutive ordained scopes: background,
intentions, to plan and take decisions, to carry out and achievement
the goal.
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