2012, Number 6
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2012; 50 (6)
The imprint cytology: a tool diagnosis in the operating room
Gómez-Macías GS, Barboza-Quintana O, Segura-Luna JJ, Miranda-Maldonado I, Barbosa-Quintana Á, Ancer-Rodríguez J, Flores-Gutiérrez JP, Garza-Guajardo R
Language: Spanish
References: 60
Page: 599-608
PDF size: 233.94 Kb.
Background: since 1929, the imprint cytology has a great value
in the transoperatory as a diagnostic tool and in some cases as
an alternate method.
Methods: during two years period, 416 transoperatory specimens
and 384 frozen sections were performed in the Pathology
and Cytopathology Department of the University Hospital, “Dr.
José E. Gonzalez”. Diagnoses were recorded and compared
both methods with the final diagnosis given at definitive histological
sections. The results were evaluated and p statistics was
Results: nine of 416 patients (2.2 %) were incorrectly diagnosed
by cytology, and 8 of 384 (2.1 %) by frozen section. The diagnostic
accuracy for the imprint cytology was 97.8 % and 97.9 %
for frozen section. Six of the 416 cases (1.4 %) were misdiagnosed
by imprints and frozen sections; the percentage success
was 98.5 % using both methods together. The
p was statistically
significant (0.0005).
Conclusions: the transoperatory cytology is a fast, easy and inexpensive.
It provides morphological detail on intact cells and
without the freezing artifacts, so its use as an adjunct to the
frozen method is of great value.
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