2013, Number 3
Impaired fasting glucose and postprandial glucose intolerance. The role of immediate family history
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 308-312
PDF size: 231.81 Kb.
Objective: to determine the prevalence of impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and postprandial glucose intolerance (PGI) in individuals with diabetic parent and risk factors for developing DM2.Methods: a cross-sectional study among 162 individuals with father or mother with DM2, age from 30 to 35 years with risk factors for developing DM2 was performed. Fasting plasma glucose was done, and a glucose tolerance curve was taken in those who had IFG.
Results: it was found prediabetes in 9.8 % (16) —of which 43.8 % (7) presented IGP—; and 90.2 % (146) was normoglycemic. The mean age in patients with AGA and PGI was 33.5 years and in the normoglycemic group was 32.2, t = 8.36, p = 0.004. The mean weight in the AGA and IGP group was 72.58 kg and 69.85 kg in normoglycemic group, t = 1.21 and p = 0.27. Mean BMI AGA and PGI was 27.78 and in normoglycemic 26.58, t = 5.25, p = 0.02.
Conclusions: the results suggested that in descents from parents with DM2 with risk factors we must investigate early prediabetes or IFG with fasting plasma glucose.
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