2013, Number 1
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Correo Científico Médico 2013; 17 (1)
Cerebrovascular Clinical Epidemiological Characterization in Mayarí Municipality
Leyva PY, Soria PR, Merencio LN, Enamorado SE, Herrera LY
Language: Spanish
References: 21
PDF size: 170.31 Kb.
Introduction: a permanent or temporal dysfunction of the central nervous system due to thrombotic or embolic occlusion, or the rupture of a cerebral artery or vein causes cerebro-vascular diseases. There was a high incidence of these diseases in country and the region.
Objective: to characterize the clinical epidemiological behaviour of cerebro-vascular disease at Mártires de Mayarí Hospital in 2009.
Method: a descriptive study of series of cases, with a universe that included all patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit and the sample comprised all cerebro-vascular diseases patients.
Results: ischemic disease predominated in 79 patients (52.7%), survival increased in 55 in females, the 36.4% of the total, transient ischemic disease was the most frequent one in 67 cases (44.7%), cerebral hemorrhage had higher incidence of deaths (51). Hypertension was the risk factor in 100% of cases. Language disorders had a higher
incidence regarding symptoms and signs in 65 patients (43.3%). Hypertension and bronchopneumonia were the main causes of the deaths in most of cases with 42.7% and
24.7% respectively.
Conclusions: the behavior of cerebrovascular diseases at Mayarí Hospital was similar to
the rest of the country and elsewhere in the world, and hypertension represented the
major risk factor of these diseases.
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