2012, Number 4
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Enfermería Universitaria 2012; 9 (4)
Successful communication health care interventions on persons with auditory impairments
Loredo MN, Matus MR
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 57-68
PDF size: 220.08 Kb.
People suffering from auditory impairments are an everyday larger population with unique characteristics, needs, and culture. These persons have to use specific communication protocols to become part of a hearing society, in which they also share the same expectations and needs.
It is necessary to design successful communication interventions on persons with auditory impairments in order to establish adequate care plans which can timely address their health-illness process needs.
The question guiding this literature review was: Which were the healthcare communication interventions on persons with auditory impairments between the year 2000 and 2012? PubMed, Scielo, Index, Redalyc, Cuiden plus, Cuiden Evidentia and Lilacs databases were consulted with the following key words in English and Spanish: deaf-mute patients, deafness, auditory impairment, sign-languages, communication, education, care, health, nursing. A total of 437 articles were identified, and after inclusion criteria were applied, 17 final articles were kept.
Outcomes of this review confirm that non-verbal communication in its sign language form, visual aids, and the use of interpreters, are all useful and culturally acknowledged during the care process in people suffering from auditory impairments.
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