2013, Number 2
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Gac Med Mex 2013; 149 (2)
Behavior of hipertensive renal diseases in Mexico between 1998-2009. A growing problem
Rodríguez HJM, González NR, Albavera HC
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 152-160
PDF size: 130.62 Kb.
Introduction: High blood pressure (HBP) is a risk factor for chronic diseases. Worldwide, 20-25% of adults have
hypertension, with 70% of them living in developing countries. Hypertensive renal disease (HRD) is a complication of
insufficiently controlled hypertension. This study aims to analyze the behavior of HRD mortality in Mexico between 1998
and 2009.
Methods: Longitudinal study with secondary analysis of HRD records from the databases provided by INEGI,
which analyzes the specific rates by age and sex and standardized mortality ratio (SMR) by states and regions.
Georeferencing methods are used statewide. Results: In Mexico from 1998 to 2009 there were 48,823 deaths from HRD.
The standardized mortality rate rose from 3.35/100,000 inhabitants to 6.74 (p ‹ 0.01). The specific rates by age and sex
showed an increase in incidence after 50 years of age. States with higher SMR by HDR were DF, Estado de Mexico,
Morelos, Jalisco, and Colima.
Conclusions: HRD is a major microvascular complication of hypertension and its prevalence
is increasing. We should strengthen the processes of early detection, care, and appropriate follow-up of people
with hypertension to control this potentially preventable complication.
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