2012, Number 2
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Rev Hum Med 2012; 12 (2)
Strategy to develop orthographic skills in Health Technology students
Mercedes Pérez Lugo, Iliana Margarita Pérez Lugo, Ana Margarita Rodríguez Esquivel, Yamilé Peláez Araluce
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 337-346
PDF size: 187.11 Kb.
According to some quizzes applied to Health Technology students, several problems were detected regarding the language usage. Therefore, the objective of this work is to create a strategy to develop orthographic skills on these students by means of an educative an educative and interdisciplinary software. A descriptive and observational study was carried out from October/2009 to April/2010. of the 110 students that failed the Orthography and writing quiz, 70 were surveyed. The principal methods that were used were interviews and analyses of documents. As a result, the students were able to identify the lack of knowledge about orthographic rules they had, their poor reading habits and use of dictionaries, and that they were not aware enough about correction. These were the principal causes that contribute to orthographic doubts.
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