2013, Number 1
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Rev Méd Electrón 2013; 35 (1)
Helminthic infections of the digestive tract: current considerations ingles
Cañete VR, Marcel SK, Prior GA, Noda AA, Rodríguez PM
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 25-37
PDF size: 68.08 Kb.
At the global level, there have being many advances in the management of the parasitical infections and particularly of those caused by intestinal helminthes; nevertheless, the idea of their relative innocuousness and easy management persists and that is why the present article pretends to make a short analysis of the current situation of the helminthic infections affecting the digestive tract and its annexed viscera, emphasizing in its negative influence on the human development. The lack of knowledge generates myths, and myths generate bad practices that might turn out into an increase in the prevalence and incidence of these infections at the communitarian level.
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