2013, Number 1
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Rev Méd Electrón 2013; 35 (1)
Cerebrovascular disease in the Teaching Policlinic Jose Antonio Echeverría, of Cardenas
González RR, de Armas RL, Gavilla GB, Díaz CDJ
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 11-24
PDF size: 89.91 Kb.
We developed a comparative study to determine the behavior of some epidemiologic aspects of the cerebrovascular disease, during the period from January 2002 to August 2003, and from January 2010 to August 2011, in the Teaching Policlinic José Antonio Echeverria, of Cardenas. The universe was formed by 153 patients of the health area, who entered the Hospital Julio M. Arostegui Villamil with that diagnosis in the mentioned periods, 66 of them in the first period, and 87 in the second respectively. Reviewing the clinical records of the hospital and the familiar and individual clinical records of the family doctor offices, we obtained the studied variables. The male patients aged more than 60 years were the most affected in both periods. Arterial hypertension was a risk factor in 50 % of the cases during the period 2002-2003, and in 79,3 % of the cases in the period 2010-2011. The most frequent kind of cerebrovascular disease was the ischemic one, with 91 % in the first period (81,8 % of these patients entered open wards, while in the second period the ischemic cerebrovascular disease represented 84,0 % and 77,1 % of the patients were in-patients of those wards. During the first period, 61,3 % of the patients were not treated in the health area, and during the second period 83,1 %. We concluded that there are deficiencies in the management of these diseases, as much in the primary health care as in the secondary one.
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