2013, Number 1
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2013; 12 (1)
Stomatological urgencies services in the clinic 'Pedro Celestino Aguilera González' in Playa
Portal MLG
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 85-95
PDF size: 78.66 Kb.
Introduction: stomatological urgencies are sicknesses or complications which appear suddenly, damaging immediately the dental organ or its adjacent structures and compromising the patient health and stability.
Objective: to characterized the use of the urgency assistance in the Clinic "Pedro Celestino Aguilera González".
Materials and Methods: the sample was culled from 330 patients who assisted to the urgency room in need immediate attention on the period time previously mentioned. The studied variables were age, sex, belonging to groups with certain priority, belonging to health area, schedule of the consult and type of consult. The source of information was the profile of the patients and the patient´s book from the Clinic. A database using the Excel program was created. The statistic analysis was carried out with the software SPSS version 11.5.
Results: among the patients assisted the average age was 35-59 years, the most found sex was feminine belonging to groups without priority, youngsters, children, those patients form the health area, and who come to the clinic for the first time, and at last, those who are assisted in the mornings.
Conclusions: it was observed a great number of patients on working-ages and feminine. The use of the service of urgency was characterized by patients form the health area, patients who came for the first time to the clinic and who were assisted in the mornings.
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