2013, Number 1
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2013; 12 (1)
Coronary aterosclerosis and myocardial damage. An autopsy material study applying the Atherometric System
Díaz VYN, Moreno MM, Bacallao GJ, Fernández-Britto RJE
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 57-65
PDF size: 116.30 Kb.
Introduction: the heart and the main epicardiac coronary arteries from 472 autopsies done at the University Hospital Dr. Carlos J. Finlay were analyzed and studied.
Objectives: to describe the association between coronary and cardiac lesions. 2.- To characterize coronary and myocardial lesions related to history of ischemic heart disease.
Materials and Methods: we performed the quantitative and qualitative analyses as part of the Atherometic System (AS). A canonical correlation analysis was done to assess the association between coronary and myocardial lesion. Cosines of the lesion vector were used to describe and assess the relative importance of each type of lesion.
Results: there are moderate but statistically significant correlations between myocardial fibrosis and necrosis, and coronary lesion. Fibrous plaques are the predominant lesion, but fatty streaks and severe plaques are more discriminant between cases with and without history of ischemic heart disease.
Conclusions: fatty streaks and severe plaques are associated with the areas of fibrosis and necrosis of the heart. Cases with history of ischemic heart disease have more severe plaques and less fatty streaks than cases without history of ischemic heart disease.
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