2013, Number 1
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2013; 10 (1)
Life styles in an abstemious alcoholics group
López RD, Alonso ÁA, García PH
Language: Spanish
References: 23
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Introduction: an important impediment of former studies from a model of favorable and risk factors is the fact of do not have into consideration the auto regulative mechanism of personality and how these mechanism are interrelated with other categories of behavior expression , such as lifestyle, shortage studied on abstemious alcoholic. This insufficiency was gained in the present research, behaviour focal point towards a personologic that easies the understanding of the psychological dynamics that underlies on the personality of individuals on psychosocial rehabilitation process which is a point of start of a former study.
Objective: to describe the lifestyle of a group of ten abstemious alcoholics.
Methods: a transversal cut and quality – descriptive research with non experimental design was carried out. Interview, Factors questionnaire, as well as, Activity Register, Indirect and Direct Method and Dembo–Rubinstein Scale psychological tests were used.
Results: the lifestyles of the abstemious alcoholic were characterized for being optimum on 9 participants and adequate on one of them. It means that they are working and in occasions with more than one economic activity, recovered families, lack of free time, association to social groups and a wide social relation.
A very favorable psychosocial function concerning to the social, familiar work and personal areas, as well as, treatment fulfillment, social reinsertion and personal development signs centered on the creation of values and the overcome of negative qualities of the character.
The comparison of the lifestyles of this group with one group of the alcoholics in recovery phase allowed appreciating remarkable differences on both groups in relation with the explored variables.
Conclusion: thus, psychosocial rehabilitation of alcoholic is visible through the quality of lifestyles and its psychosocial functioning.
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