2011, Number 1
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Rev Invest Clin 2011; 63 (1)
On the vaccination before and after Jenner
de Micheli A, Izaguirre-Ávila R
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 84-89
PDF size: 335.31 Kb.
The expression “inoculation” of smallpox was first employed
by doctor Emanuel Timone, native of the Greek island of
Chios and graduated from the Universities of Padua and Oxford.
This method was largely employed in the XVIII century.
Nevertheless, in 1798, the English physician Edward Jenner
published the results of his observartions and his own experience
with “vaccination”, i. e. the inoculation of cowpox. These
were exposed in his book “Inquiry into the causes and effects
of the variolae vaccinae”. This method soon substituted the
variolization. However it must to be mentioned that, starting
from 1770, vaccination was already performed in northern
Europe by non medical personnel as for example the school
teacher Peter Plett. Notwithstanding some initial opposition,
vaccination quickly spreaded throughout Europe. It arrived to
Spain in 1801 and thence was transferred to Spanish America
and Philippines Islands with the expedition leaded by doctor
Francisco Xavier Balmis. This expedition reached New Spain
in June 1804, and remained there until February 1805 when
embarked addressing to Philippines Islands. The other expeditionary
group, leaded by doctor José Salvani, addressed toward
Colombia, Peru and Bolivia, where Salvani died.
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Gatti A. Nouvelles réflexions sur la pratique de l’inoculation. Bruselas: Musier fils; 1767.
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Plett PC. Peter Plett (1766-1823). Lehrer in der Probstei und Entdecker der Kuhpockenimpfung. Konstanz; 2006.
Croockshank EM. History and Pathology of Vaccination. Vol. I: A critical Inquiry. Londres: 1889, p. 100.
Hellwag CF. Bericht über die blanen Kuhblatten. Nord Arch Naturkunde (Copenhaagen) 1800; I(Piece 3): 397f.
Matthias Cl. Werke des Wandsbeker Boten. Schwerin 1958; II: 253f.
Croockshank EM. Op. cit. 1889, p. 108.
Kich I. Cowpox inoculation suggested to a Medical Faculty in 1790. Comm. Madrid: XV Int Congr Med; 1957, p. 473-6.
Plett P. Five years observations on cowpox and smallpox. Communication to Medical Faculty of Kiel, 1792.
Pfaff CH. Belege und Bemerkungen zu dem Bericht der medizinischen. Fakultät in Kiel in Sachen Kuhpocken. Nord Arch Naturkunde (Copenhaagen) 1803; III(Piece II)2: 74-90.
Jenner E. An inquiry into the causes and effects of the variolae vaccinae. Londres: Sampson Low; 1798.
Laín P. Historia de la Medicina moderna y contemporánea. Barcelona: Ed. Científico-Médica; 1963, p. 321.
Sacco L. Trattato di vaccinazione, con osservazioni sul giavardo e vajuolo pecorino. Milán: Ed. Mussi; 1809.
García del Real E. Historia de la Medicina en España. Madrid: 1921.
Laín Entralgo P. Op. cit. p. 322.
Fernández del Castillo F. Viajes de don Francisco Xavier Balmis. 3a. Ed. México: Sociedad Médica Hispano Mexicana; 1996, p. 81.
Moreau de la Sarthe JL. Tratado histórico y práctico de la vacuna (Trad. F. X. Balmis). Madrid: Imprenta Real; 1803.
Fernández del Castillo F. Op. cit. 1996, p. 81.
Cárdenas de la Peña E. Historia de la Medicina en la Ciudad de México. México: Colección Metropolitana; 1976. p. 62.
Díaz de Yraola G. La vuelta al mundo de la expedición de la vacuna. Sevilla: Publicaciones de la Escuela de Estudios Hispano- Americanos; 1948, p. 51.
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Díaz de Yraola G. Op. cit. 1948, p. 99
Acta de defunción de José Salvany. Libro de Defunciones 1804 – 1824, f. 100v-101. Archivo del Sagrario de la Catedral de Cochabamba, Bolivia. En: Tuells J, Ramírez SM (eds.). Balmis et Variolas. Cap. VIII. Valencia: Ed. Generalitat Valenciana; 2003.