2012, Number 3
Personal and Family Risks of the Suicidal Attempt on Adolescents from Granma province
Language: Spanish
References: 18
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Introduction: The suicidal attempt has significantly increased on persons before they are 20 years old in the last decades. Objective: Identify the personal and family risks of the suicidal attempt on adolescent. Methods: Analytical study control case on adolescents that had attempted suicidal during the second semester, 2007 in Granma Province. A designed questionnaire was used to gather the information. Descriptive measures were used to estimate quality variables and to identify association Chi, Haenzel and OR tests were used with a reliance and significant a=0, 05. Results: The major associated variables regarded to family were: family suicidal backgrounds, physical maltreatment and the loss of affection in these adolescents family environment. As personal attempting suicidal factors are relevant the elaboration of previous plans for suicide, the desire of hurting themselves, recent dispute with their parents, deprive of hope, lack of reliable and the fact of not living together with the parents among other factors. Suicidal attempt repentance was referred by the majority of the studied cases. Conclusions: There were personal and family factors with a high statistical relation in the studied cases of adolescents that attempted suicide and a low percent of these cases did not showed repentance of their behavior.REFERENCES
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