2012, Number 3
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2012; 9 (3)
Hare ׳s Psychopathic Scale (PCL R) application on murders and killers.
Perez MJF, Ruiz HY, Pría BMC, Guerra GM
Language: Spanish
References: 34
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The psychopathy personality is pointed out as an inclined personality or with more profile of risks to make criminal acts, fundamentally violent for what the term "psychopathy" is managed as equivalent to a merciless murderer that which contributes together with other factors, to the disuse of the term from the scientific environment, not being as nosologist entity in none of the classifications of the mental international (APA and OMS) disorders, being the use of that entity for nomenclature of the forensic psychiatry and its employment for the artificial compression of the legal terms.
In the present investigation It was carried out a descriptive study of traverse court to a sample for the homicide and murders authors that they were taken to the service of forensic psychiatry of the Psychiatric Hospital of Havana in the period of May from the 2009 to May from 2010 to who they were applied the scale PCL-R (Psychopathy Checklist Revised).
The results of the application of the scale PCL-R was related with the diagnoses from the psychiatric-forensic examination, also linking both criminal figures with the variables coming from the clusters of PCL-R items that measure interpersonal relationships, affective coldness, inadequate lifestyle and antisocial behavior in the studied sample of fellows.
The results of the investigation after their statistical prosecution and correlation variabilistic, exhibit 55 % of authors with the diagnostic of psychopathy personality disorder according to the resulting score of the scale PCL-R application. The 100 % of the psychopaths classified by the scale PCL-R coincided with the diagnosis of personality disorder of the cluster B and the subfactor of the scale of PCL-R of more presence in the evaluation of the Hare psychopathy checklist was NF2 that values the psychopath's affective features.
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