2010, Number 5
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Rev Invest Clin 2010; 62 (5)
Participatory education and the development of critical reading in teachers theoretical texts. Multicenter study
Leyva-González FA, Leo-Amador GE, Viniegra-Velázquez L, Degollado-Bardales L, Zavala-Arenas JA, González-Cobos RP, Valencia-Sánchez JS, Leyva-Salas CA, Angulo-Bernal SE, Gómez-Arteaga GM
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 447-460
PDF size: 104.49 Kb.
Aim. Determine what the relationship between participation in classroom of students attending courses at the Educational Research and Teacher Education (CIEFD’s) and the development of proficiency in critical reading of theoretical texts in education.
Material and methods. Intervention study, multicenter students (medical specialist) level Diploma in teaching methodology (DMDN) 1 and 2 (n = 46 n = 29) of the six CIEFD’s (DF Siglo XXI, Mexico City La Raza, Nuevo Leon, Sonora, Puebla and Veracruz), period: March to August 2007 and a Masters in education (n = 9, generation 2007-2008). Two instruments were constructed that evaluated the participation variables and critical reading of theoretical texts in education, conceptual validity; content and reliability were assessed by experts in education research. The educational intervention was in the form of seminars (three times a week in DMDN 1 and twice weekly in DMDN 2 and Masters). Participation was assessed half way through the course and on completion, critical reading at the beginning as well as the end.
Results. Statistically significant associations were observed in DMDN 1 (four Centers) and the Masters, but not DMDN 2.
Discussion. In this investigation some of the theoretical proposals of the participatory education were recreated, starting from the analysis of our results.
Conclusion. In some centers and in the masters, strengthening participation in this educational intervention is related to the development of critical reading of theoretical texts in education.
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