2013, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2013; 85 (1)
Risks and consequences of the sexual practices in adolescents under the effects of alcohol and other drug consumption
Castaño PG, Arango TE, Morales MS, Rodríguez BA, Montoya MC
Language: Spanish
References: 69
Page: 36-50
PDF size: 98.22 Kb.
Introduction: sexuality, and alcohol and drug consumption by adolescents currently appear as high priority issues for the public health. The concern lies in reducing the risks of sexually transmitted infections, the human immunodeficiency virus and the early unwanted pregnancies.
Objectives: to analyze the sexual behaviors under the effect of alcohol and other drug consumption and the inherent risks in adolescents living in Medellin city.
Methods: the sample was selected through the random and cluster probabilistic method. The universe of study covered the total number of 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th students from the public and private schools of Medellin in 2010. The age of the 91 857 students ranged 14 to 17 years. The final sample included 955 students, using a 95 % confidence interval. A cross-sectional descriptive study was designed to find out the sexual practices and risks of adolescents under the influence of alcohol and other drug consumption. The SPSS program, version 19.0 served to set frequencies, percentages and statistical associations.
Results: taking alcohol or other drugs and having sexual intercourse exhibit a significant statistical association (p=0.000). In the study group, 62.4 % of the adolescents who had taken some psychoactive substances had sexual intercourse whereas 29.4% who had also taken alcohol and other drugs had not. Alcohol was the most used drug (79.8%), followed by marihuana (31.83 %), poppers (8.97 %), cocaine (7.75 %) and ecstasy (5.71 %). The most frequent sexual practices under the above-mentioned conditions were exploratory ones such as body touching and caressing (71.02 %); vaginal penetration (63.67 %), oral sex (45.30 %) and masturbation (19.59 %). Of those adolescents who had sexual practices (n= 561) under the influence of drugs, 12.47 % were unprotected, being sexually transmitted diseases (2 %) and unwanted pregnancy (2.8 %) the main consequences. There was no statistically significant association (p= 0.711) between having sexual intercourse under the effect of alcohol or not and the use of sexual protection methods.
Conclusions: the study confirmed the results of other research studies about the frequent association between the drug consumption and the sexual practices of adolescents. The new contributions of this study were to show the types of sexual practices under the effect of psychoactive substances, many of which are not risk-free, and to stress the need of including further actions in the preventive programs for safe sex, in order to minimize the harms that the sexual practice under the effect of these substances consumption may cause.
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