2013, Number 2
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salud publica mex 2013; 55 (2)
Local conditions of vulnerability associated with dengue in two communities of Morelos.
Chuc S, Hurtado-Díaz M, Schilmann A, Riojas-Rodríguez H, Rangel H, González-Fernández MI
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 170-178
PDF size: 354.80 Kb.
Objective. To evaluate the vulnerability associated with the occurrence of dengue in two villages of Morelos, Mexico from 2006 to 2009.
Materials and methods. A survey on knowledge, risk perception, prevention practices and water use was applied in two villages of Morelos. Using a principal component analysis, an index of local vulnerability to dengue (IVL) was constructed. The association of IVL with the disease at home was assessed using a Chi-square test.
Results. The IVL included five components explaining 63% of the variance and was classified in three categories: low, medium and high. There was a significant association between increased vulnerability and prevalence of reported cases of dengue in Temixco and Tlaquiltenango.
Conclusion. The study of vulnerability to dengue allows us to identify local needs in the field of health promotion.
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