2012, Number 4
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Rev Cuba Enf 2012; 28 (4)
The meaning of the liver transplantation for the patient in the waiting list: phenomenology approach
Freire DMI, Batista BVA
Language: Portugués
References: 14
Page: 485-494
PDF size: 52.14 Kb.
The objective of the liver transplantation is to increase the survival of the carriers patients of the acute and chronic irreversible liver diseases, besides providing better life quality. The aim was to apprehend the meaning of the liver transplantation for the patient in the waiting list. Research of qualitative approach, with theoretical-methodological reference in the Paterson and Zderad's Humanistic Theory. Was done interview with eighteen candidates patient to the liver transplantation in the reference center in Ceará-Brazil. The data would be analyzed with base in the theoretical reference of the Phenomenological Nursing Process. Of the category Meant of the transplant, emerged the subcategory: A new life and Prolongation of the life and improvement of your quality. Was identified the term "new life" as the unit of sense of larger meaning, followed by the need to return his daily activities and life habits related to the feeding, education, work and leisure, ransoming the autonomy and dignity. To look for the sense and the meaning that the patients attribute to the experience lived in this period is very important for the care process.
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