2013, Number 1
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Rev Cuba Endoc 2013; 24 (1)
Responses to some questions about obesity and bariatric surgery
Hernández RJ, Licea PME, Castelo EL
Language: Spanish
References: 78
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The bariatric surgery aimed at patients with morbid obesity and the quicker major weight loss through this procedure when compared to the reports of weight loss in the conventional treatments is, beyond any doubt, an objective alternative to reduce morbidity and mortality rates in these persons. This paper was intended to answer the questions about some aspects of the bariatric surgery as a more effective method to treat morbid obesity. This disease is chronic, multifactorial, and related to important physical and psychological complications that contribute to reduced life quality and expectancies of every person who suffer it. The bariatric surgery is based on the reduction of the gastric chamber, either combined or not with malabsorption techniques. As far as it is known, this treatment is practically the only one that reaches the long-term expectations about enough loss of weight to adequately control comorbidities. This procedure brings about important changes not only in bodyweight but also in the metabolic profile of the treated persons. A long-term follow-up of the patients is indispensable after the surgery, which should be in charge of a multidisciplinary specialized team, in order to detect and treat any disorder that might occur. It has been proved that there is a therapeutic alternative for the treatment of comorbidities from severe morbid obesity as well as for the obesity as such.
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