2013, Number 1
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Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2013; 60 (1)
Leptospirosis; a public health problem
García-González R, Reyes-Torres A, Basilio-Hernández D, Ramírez-Pérez M, Rivas-Sánchez B
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 57-70
PDF size: 188.61 Kb.
Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease with a worldwide distribution, and occurs in tropical, subtropical and temperate zones. Considered to be the most geographically widespred zoonosis. Leptospirosis has been recognized as an emerging global public health problem because of its increasing incidence in both developing a developed countries. More than 500,000 cases of severe leptospirosis are reported each year, with fatality rates exceeding 10%. The genus
Leptospira comprises saprophytic and pathogenic species, isolated from wide range of animal reservoir species. Laboratory diagnosis is complex and not widely available, Selection of the right specimens, tests and correct interpretation of test results are important parameters to provide better patient care. The
Leptospira is detected by isolation of organism or demonstration by dark field, silver impregnation and immunodetection; microagglutination and immunofluorescence or amplification of specific fragment of Leptospiral DNA and indirect evidences by detection of antibodies to leptospires.
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