2012, Number 2
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Cir Plast 2012; 22 (2)
Permanent orthopedic appliance for treatment of maxillary collapse secondary to palate surgery in one to two year-old patients with cleft lip
Ayuso AAL, Torres CMA, Andrade DL, Pérez GA, Vallarta RA
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 50-56
PDF size: 251.39 Kb.
This paper reports the ten years, follow up, of 30 patients with cleft lip and palate, in whom a fixed orthopedic appliance was inserted to treat maxillary collapse secondary to cheiloplasty and palatoplasty. The button form appliance was fixed to the palate by means of trans-mucosal staple formed nails. Patients were between one and two years when the plate was inserted; the average time it remained in their mouths was seven years five months. Before the appliance was inserted patients with fibrosis of lip and nose were treated with acrylic removable devices. Three cases in which the fixed device was unintentionally removed were discarded and 27 patients completed the treatment protocol. Results obtained in facial growth with reported treatment was adequate in 7 with osseous class I, favorable in 16 with osseous class II, and maxillary collapse persisted in four cases. Another finding in this group was the tridimensional remodeling of the alveolar border which favors alveolar grafting and periostioplasty. In conclusion, the button formed plate used in these patients is a successful, low cost treatment option, which does not require frequent clinical visits. There were no complications associated with the device.
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