2013, Number 2
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Rev Odont Mex 2013; 17 (2)
Supernumerary teeth. Clinical case report
Oropeza MMP
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 91-96
PDF size: 426.97 Kb.
Supernumerary teeth are anomalies of dental development. They may or may not be associated to different syndromes. Prevalence of this condition varies from 0.3% to 3.8% and incidence can be placed from 0.1% to 3.8 %, according to the studied population group. In 48.6% of all cases, supernumerary teeth can be present at the midline (mesiodens), which is the most common occurrence, followed by premolars, in 26.4% of all cases, laterals in 11.1% and molars in 9.7%. Diagnosis is emitted after x-ray studies (panoramic x-ray). Supernumerary teeth present different morphologies, they can be dysmorphic or conical, eumorphic or supplementary. They are a duplication of normal and molar shaped series of teeth which present irregular molar shape. Supplementary SN teeth are found in primary dentition and do not possess any anatomical variety. Rudimentary SN teeth are found in permanent dentition and possess anatomical variety.
After supernumerary teeth x-ray diagnosis, surgical treatment is undertaken. The aim of the present article is to report the clinical case of two supernumerary teeth present in a non-syndromic 9 year old patient. Relevance and implications in clinical practice are discussed in the present article.
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