2013, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular 2013; 14 (1)
Need for re-amputation and the clinical characteristics of re-amputated diabetic patients
Goicoechea DPC, Cabrera CN, Artaza SHM, Suárez CM
Language: Spanish
References: 33
PDF size: 192.35 Kb.
Objective: to determine whether there is association between the need for re-amputation and the clinical characteristics of the re-amputated diabetic patients.
Methods: fifty five medical histories of those diabetic patients who were re-amputated were reviewed to obtain the following information: age, sex, type and time of evolution of diabetes mellitus, size and time of evolution of the infected area. The variables were correlated with the need for re-amputation.
Results: it was found that 26 (47.2 %) of the re-amputated patients were included in the 60-69 y age group; 33 (60 %)were females; 52 (94.6 %) had diabetes mellitus type 2 and 40(over 70 %) had suffered diabetes mellitus for more than 20 years. It was stated that 49 (89.1 %) of the patients presented infection, with the infected area size up to 20 cm
2 in 85.4 %; and the infection evolution was within 30 days in 21 (38.1 %) patients and one to six months in 31 (56.3 %). There was significant association among the need for re-amputation and the age groups (
p= 0.006); the time of evolution of diabetes mellitus (
p= 0.00) and the area of infection size (
p= 0.024).
Conclusions: age, the time of evolution of diabetes and the area of infection size are the characteristics associated with the need for re-amputation in the above mentioned patients.
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