2013, Number 1
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Enf Infec Microbiol 2013; 33 (1)
Urinary tract infections associated with bladder catheter. Areas of surgery and internal medicine of two public sector hospitals
De Lira TMA, Flores SA, Fragoso MLE, Oliva RBY, López LE, Márquez SML, Martínez CAY, Velarde del Río LT
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 13-18
PDF size: 146.47 Kb.
background. Nosocomial infections of the urinary tract, bladder catheter-associated, are regarded with high morbidity
and mortality worldwide, mainly in developing countries.
materials and method. Analytical study of risk factors between patients with urinary catheter-associated UTI, attended
at the internal medicine areas and general surgery of two public health institutions.
results. The study included 60 patients in the secondary care hospital and 121 patients in the third level institution.
Patients aged 60 and over from the tertiary care institution had 4.9 times more risk of UTI associated with bladder catheter,
2.1 times those of the second level. Patients with infections were women in 63.33%.
Patients in secondary care had 2.9 times more risk of
Escherichia coli UTI than those in the third level institution. In the
case of
Candida sp, patients in the third level institution, with respect to the second one, had 3.9 times the risk of UTI for
that cause, and 8.5 times more in women than in men.
Resistance of Enterobacteria was presented between 45% and 90% to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, third-generation
cephalosporins, ciprofloxacin, and less than 20% in amikacin.
conclusions. Development of bladder catheter-associated UTI was more common in the tertiary care hospital, and the
presence of microorganisms with greater resistance to antimicrobial drugs, mainly in patients over 60 years and women.
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