2013, Number 1
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salud publica mex 2013; 55 (1)
Gender role orientation and tobacco and alcohol use among youth in Morelos, Mexico.
Chávez-Ayala R, Rivera-Rivera L, Leyva-López A, Sánchez-Estrada M, Lazcano-Ponce E
Language: Spanish
References: 86
Page: 43-56
PDF size: 286.15 Kb.
Objective. To quantify the association between gender role
orientation and tobacco and alcohol use among young people
of the State of Morelos.
Materials and methods. Study
conducted in 2004-2005, students aged 14 to 24 years (n =
1 730). Sociodemographic variables (area of residence, socioeconomic
status), family (parental education and violence),
psycho-sociological (gender role, self-esteem, depression, alcohol
consumption, tobacco, locus of control, sexual abuse).
Logistic regression analysis.
Results. Factors associated with
use of tobacco: In women, being androgynous undesirable,
masculine role, attempted sexual abuse and urban areas. For
men, depression and submission. Factors associated with
alcohol use: In women, masculine gender role; and in men to
be older than 20 years, living in semi-urban and urban area,
and internal locus.
Conclusions. The machismo is one of
the gender role orientations with greater association with the
use of tobacco primarily in girls in Mexico, and the masculine
or instrumental role with alcohol.
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