2012, Number 6
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Medisur 2012; 10 (6)
Human Aging and Pharmacology of Opioids. A Point for Reflexion
Quintana LB
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 511-518
PDF size: 89.94 Kb.
Life expectancy has been significantly increased
worldwide. This phenomenon has caused changes in
disease patterns, with a high prevalence of chronic pain
in over 65 years old patients, specifically non-oncological
pain. The challenges imposed for their treatment are not
avoidable and potential success lays in the knowledge of
the peculiarities of the elderly and the drugs used to
treat pain. All these can be achieved if professionals
know the major physiological changes and pathological
conditions associated with aging, as well as the
pharmacology of opioids, an interaction that is more
important for these purposes than prescription itself, as
the changes caused by aging and the diseases present in
each patient in particular may affect all processes in the
intraorganic cycle of drugs. All of these factors should be
taken into consideration at the beginning and during the
This work approaches to recommendations for the
therapeutic approach of opioids, not getting deep in the
individuality of each product considering that there is no
evidence of the use of all them the elderly. Therefore,
only those for which there is evidence are addressed.
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