2012, Number 6
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Medisur 2012; 10 (6)
Self-medication among Workers of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Cienfuegos
Quiros EM, Fernández RDR, Cuevas POL, Milián VPM, Barrios RB, Martínez BT
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 495-500
PDF size: 72.88 Kb.
Background: Self-medication is a worldwide problem
given its high incidence and the risk it poses to the
wellbeing of those who practice it.
Objective: To characterize the use of nonprescription
drugs in workers of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of
Cienfuegos who are not health professionals.
Method: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was
conducted. It included interviews to 49 workers of the
Faculty of Medical Sciences of Cienfuegos that were not
health professionals. The most important variables
included in the study were age, sex, educational level,
personal medical history, self-medication, drug groups
used and approval of self-medication. They were
processed and the results were expressed as numbers
and percentages.
Results: Most workers have practiced self-medication at least once in their lives, predominantly women from 40
to 49 years old, with higher educational level. The most
commonly used drug types were analgesics and
nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),
antihistamines and psychiatric drugs. Many workers
suffer from other diseases, for which they also take
various medications. The vast majority disapprove of self
-medication, even those who make use of it and
consider it a risk to their health.
Conclusions: Much remains to be clarified on this
phenomenon, which is obviously also a problem in our
society. Therefore, we should conduct efforts to promote
rational and responsible use of medication for ensuring
the health of the population.
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