2012, Number 6
Epidemic of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/AIDS. Cienfuegos, 1986 - 2011
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 486-490
PDF size: 170.29 Kb.
Background: There has been a significant impact of HIV all over the world. Primary Health Care is the main context for the attention and care provided to patients living with HIV as well as for epidemiological surveillance and intervention strategies planning.Objective: To describe the epidemic of human immunodeficiency virus / AIDS in Cienfuegos, from 1986 to 2011.
Methods: An observational, descriptive and crosssectional study was conducted including 233 HIVpositive patients from 1986 to 2011 in Cienfuegos. Variables such as age, sex, sexual orientation, route of infection and five-year incidence of minor and major opportunistic diseases were included.
Results: patients diagnosed from 15 to 44 years old predominated. Males represented 79.8% of all cases. Leading sexual orientation was homosexuality (men who have sex with men), reaching a 59.2%. The most common route of infection was sexual. Most cases were diagnosed from 2006 to 2011, for a 47.6% of the total. The most common minor opportunistic infections were oropharyngeal candidiasis and oral hairy leukoplakia, with 52.8 and 15.9% respectively. For mayor opportunistic infections there were wasting syndrome, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, esophageal candidiasis and neurotoxoplasmosis.
Conclusions: The epidemic in Cienfuegos presented a similar behaviour than the one observed in the rest of the country. It has increased in recent years.
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