2013, Number 02
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MediSan 2013; 17 (02)
Antibiotic therapy in patients with postoperative infections
Rodríguez FZ, Despaigne AI, Romero GLI, Pineda CJ, Mustelier FHL
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 174-186
PDF size: 592.04 Kb.
Introduction: Bacterial contamination is the essential requirement for the occurrence of postoperative infections, with adverse social and economic implications, thus increasing the use of antibiotics.
Objective: To identify different factors related to the use of antibiotics in patients with postoperative infections.
Methods: A descriptive, observational and cross-sectional study on the use of antibiotics was carried out in 207 patients, who underwent major surgery and presented with postoperative infections, attended in the Department of General Surgery of "Saturnino Lora" Provincial Teaching Hospital of Santiago de Cuba during the triennium 2008-2010.
Results: Superficial incisional infections predominated, followed by those located in organ and space. In the preoperative period antibiotics were used in two-thirds of the series and in the postoperative period in all who had this complication. Microbiological studies had 96.3% of positivity and the most commonly isolated germs were: Klebsiella, Escherichia coli and Acinetobacter baumannii.
Conclusions: The occurrence of postoperative infections is related to the proliferation of Gram-negative organisms. The policy of rational use of antibiotics with prophylactic and therapeutic purposes, related to the circulation of hospital germs and resistance pattern, is considered adequate, but a standardized protocol should be implemented for its application.
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