2012, Number 12
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MediSan 2012; 16 (12)
Laboratory tests in Gilbert's syndro me subsequent to hepatitis
Robert TV, del Valle DS, Durañones GS, Domínguez CMC, Clares PMC
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1823-1830
PDF size: 197.37 Kb.
A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in 40 patients with Gilbert's
syndrome subsequent to viral hepatitis, admitt
ed to the Internal Medicine Department of
"Saturnino Lora Torres" Provincial Clinical Surgical Teaching Hospital of Santiago de Cuba
or to the specialized hepatology service of the Polyclinic of Specialties in this institution,
from June 2011 to the same month of 2012,
to determine the cl
inical and humoral
characteristics and the response to medica
l treatment in them. Means, medians and
standard deviations were evaluated in the
case material, and among the results was a
greater representation of males younger th
an 36 years (90.0% of the total), and a
prevalence of manifestations of drowsiness,
followed by sleepiness, mild jaundice and
absence of symptoms was observed. Also, the elevation of indirect bilirrubin and its
subsequent reduction when applying therapy
with an enzyme inducer, phenobarbital in
this case, were confirmed, eventually obtaining clinical and humoral improvement of
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