2012, Number 11
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MediSan 2012; 16 (11)
Mortality and reoperations in general surgery
Infante TNI, Pacheco QCC, Velázquez SYÁ, Hernández LT, Mendo AN
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 1676-1689
PDF size: 503.95 Kb.
Introduction: Although the current technological breakthrough in diagnostic and therapeutic methods has allowed patients with postoperative complications are more
safely reoperated, morbidity and mortality because of these complications are still high.
Methods: An observational and descriptive stud y in 42 dead patients was carried out who had been reoperated at the General Surgery Department of "Saturnino Lora" Provincial Teaching Hospital in Santiago de Cuba during the period 2007-2011.
Objective: To characterize these patients according to selected variables and identify mortality and its causes.
Results: The highest number of deaths was related to several reoperations after 10 days of the initial surgery in aged patients. The main complications were intraabdominal abscess, evisceration, residual peritonitis and dehiscence of intestinal sutures. This series represented 24.5% of the total of reoperated patients, and colon neoplasia, complicated peptic ulcer and intestinal occlusion prevailed in the initial preoperative diagnosis.
Conclusions: Age, number of reoperations and the time between the initial surgery and reoperation increase the mortality rate associated with multiple organ failure.
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