2012, Number 4
Serious accidents during childhood: clinical epidemiological study at the Villa Clara province (1999-2007)
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 233-240
PDF size: 298.12 Kb.
Introduction: Accidents are a health problem in the world, in our country and in our province. The importance of them lies in the high morbidity, mortality and disability caused to the patient, in the not transient crises originated to the family and in the high economic cost they represent. Objective: To describe the assessment made in relation to serious accidents in children, in the province of Villa Clara, from January 1999 until December 2007. Methods: An observational, descriptive and retrospective study was carried out. The sample consisted of all patients admitted for serious accidents in the Intensive Care Unit, in the Intermediate Care Unit, and in Caumatology. Data were obtained from the document review of health histories. Results: Children 1-4 years of age were the ones at higher risk of suffering serious accidents, with an increasing trend during this period. Incidence rates were higher for males, and the house was the most common place of occurrence. Most accidents happened in the afternoon. For males, car accidents prevailed, and for females, falls and intoxication. Conclusions: Most patients recovered well and were discharged alive without sequelae. The municipalities that maintained high incidence rates in relation to serious accidents during the whole period were: Santa Clara, Manicaragua, Encrucijada, Santo Domingo and during the last two years, Sagua and Caibarién.REFERENCES
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