2012, Number 4
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Rev cubana med 2012; 51 (4)
Development and impact of quality indicators in hemodialysis
Atiés SM, Ibars BEV, Subires CY, Vázquez AY
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 313-324
PDF size: 325.61 Kb.
Introduction: the quality indicators have been implemented in the clinical practice for more than a decade.
Objective: to identify and to evaluate the impact of the quality indicators in hemodialysis.
Methods: a retrospective, cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted to define the outcome indicators and the clinical follow-up of the hemodialysis process in the 2007-2010 period at the hemodialysis service of the Institute of Nephrology.
Results: after starting the report of these indicators and acting upon the detected problems, the average values of hemoglobin, albumin and KTV were significantly higher. The mean high levels of phosphorus and calcium mildly lowered in the course of time. The percentage of patients that had arteriovenous fistula was higher than the marked standard in the first phase of the study and the number of admissions decreased.
Conclusions: the systematic follow-up of the quality indicators and the implementation of corrective actions allow improving the results of the service.
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