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Rev Mex Enf Cardiol 2012; 20 (2)
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 54-59
PDF size: 149.40 Kb.
Introduction: Advances in science and technology have given alternative treatment for people with heart valve disease, as is the case for mechanical or biological prostheses. The symptoms, recurrence, medication intake, and possible complications, determine the quality of life of patients undergoing valve replacement surgery.
Objective: Compare the QOL among patients with mechanical and biological heart valve prosthesis and determine the relationship with sociodemographic data.
Material and methods: A comparative, correlational, prospective and cross study was conducted. The simple random sample (n = 170) included adult patients, both sexes, immediate postoperative and late cardiac valve replacement; partially completed questionnaires were eliminated. Data collection made with a validated instrument (WHOQOL-BREF), dimensions (physical, psychological, social, and environmental), 26 Likert type questions, minimum 1 and maximum 5. Rating: 1-26, very bad QOL; 27-52, bad QOL; 53-78, normal QOL; 79-104, good QOL; 105-130, very good QOL. Data analyzed in SPSS v17 with frequencies, percentages, student´s T, Pearson and Spearman tests.
Results: Mechanical prosthesis was 71.2%, 50.6% QOL was normal, 44.7% good QOL. The QOL is associated with age (r = -0206, p = 0.007), academic grade (r = 0.264, p = 0.001), fitness (r = 0.740, p = 0-001) and environment (r = 0.810, p = 0.001). QOL comparison between men and women (t = 1.68, df = 168, p = 0.093), QOL of patients with mechanical and biological prostheses, (t = -1.01, df = 168, p = 0.313).
Conclusions: There is no significant QOL difference between patients with mechanical or biological prosthesis. The QOL is closely related to the physical, psychological and social factors and to the patient environment.
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