2012, Number 3
The on & on improving of the Morpho-physiology subject in the Medicine career. Five years ahead from its beginning
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 133-147
PDF size: 167.20 Kb.
During the academic year 2007-2008 was included the Morpho-physiology discipline in the Medicine career in Cuba, where the contents of the basic biomedical sciences were unified taking into account the systemic integration of the human body. This work synthesizes and states some recommendations that appeared as a result of five years of experiences while applying it in the Medicine career of Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences. These recommendations center the attention on the recovering of traditional teaching aids which are in the labs of the basic sciences, the preparation of the teaching staff, either specialists or beginners, the inclusion of the practical class as an organizational teaching form, modifications in the structure and functions of the departments that lead this discipline, among others. They improve the curriculum taking advantages of the strengths and opportunities and lessening the weaknesses in respect to the integrated teaching of the basic sciencesREFERENCES
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