2000, Number 3
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Rev Med Hosp Gen Mex 2000; 63 (3)
Pergolide as adjunct therapy in Parkinson’s disease evaluated using SPES
Klein C, Zoldan J, Korczyn AD, Giladi N, Aharon-Peretz J, Rabey JM
Language: English
References: 20
Page: 156-164
PDF size: 128.90 Kb.
Thirty-two patients suffering from idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (PD) (mean age 65.3; mean disease duration 7.4 years) with motor fluctuations were enrolled in five out-patient clinics throughout Israel. After a basic clinical evaluation the patients were treated with pergolide in increasing doses as add-on therapy in an open trial, lasting three months. The clinical evaluation was performed applying the Short Parkinson’s Evaluation Scale (SPES), a new friendly score, recently created by a joint European team (Rabey et al., Clinical Neuropharmacology, 1997). During the trial 13 patients withdrew: nine due to side effects: (persistent hypotension in three; nausea and dizziness in three; constipation in one; chest pains in one and headaches in one); protocol violations in one, and lost to follow up in three. Of the 19 patients who completed the study, there was improvement in the motor scoring (according to SPES) p = 0.01, and also in activities of daily living (p = 0.001). We have thus confirmed the benefit of pergolide as add-on therapy for PD patients and advise that in view of possible side-effects the dose be carefully and gradually increased. In addition, SPES seems to be a useful tool for the clinical evaluation of new therapies for PD.
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