2012, Number 2
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Correo Científico Médico 2012; 16 (2)
Effectiveness of the Manganese Treatment in Bronchial Asthma Patients
Fagés RMS, Moreno RJF, Acosta MB, García NMC, Nuñez IR
Language: Spanish
References: 30
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A quasi-experimental study at Allergy Service of the Octavio de la Concepción de la Pedraja Pediatric Hospital of Holguín was carried out with the aim of assessing the effectiveness of the treatment with manganese in 21 asthma patients, who were from the urban area of Holguín Municipality of both sexes, and aged between 6 and 14 years. These patients suffered from moderate asthma and severe persistent asthma, without any other associated diseases, and without specific previous treatment.
Correo Científico Médico ISSN 1560-4381 CCM 2012; 16 (2)
Environmental control measures as well as manganese 20%, (6 sublingual drops taken on an empty stomach, retaining them during three minutes and then swallow) for three months were indicated. Monthly controls until six months after finishing the treatment were performed. General physical exam, respiratory functional tests before and after the treatment and monthly controls were the assessment criteria. The results were given by means of three categories: good, regular and bad. The statistical analysis was given in percentages, as well as the hypothesis test x
2 and the test of comparative proportions, both with a level of significance = 0.05. There was no evidence between the disease development and the age groups (x
2 = 0.17); 61% of the asthma patients had a good progress, 38.1% were in regular category and none of them were in bad category in spite of the severity of the disease (x
2=0.3). There were no adverse reactions. The results showed that manganese was an effective therapy.
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