2011, Number 1
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Rev Med MD 2011; 2.3 (1)
Otitis externa: diagnosis and treatment
Espinoza-Magaña GLC
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 38-43
PDF size: 515.19 Kb.
Otitis externa (OE) is a desease more frequently diagnosed in summer, since 80% of the cases appear in this time of the year. If
diagnosed and treated adequately in early stages, it is possible to solve it quickly with general measures and otic antibiotics; on
the contrary, not having the adequate approach may complicate the disease and become chronic and rebellious to treatment. It is
important to master the otological exploration technique, as well as know the general cares that must be explained to the patient
with OE in any of its forms: acute, chronic or complicated.
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